Themes /

West Gorton community park

Our landscape architects, working with engineering and design consultancy, Arup, designed a new sustainable drainage park for the local community, using an interconnected series of swales, rain gardens and bio-attenuation features.

Case Studies

West Gorton community park, Manchester, UK

Innovative design

Unlike a typical park, it has been specifically designed to manage the flow of rainwater into a drainage system to help prevent flooding and nature-based solutions have been implemented to combat the effects of climate change.

Paths and hard surfaces have been replaced with permeable paving to allow rainwater to percolate through to the ground. Infiltration ponds will soak up water and any remaining will flow into sunken rain gardens, which have been planted with a range of biodiverse vegetation to mimic the area’s natural environment. During heavy storms, water that cannot be absorbed by soil and vegetation will be captured through a series of “v” shaped channels and used to water the trees and plants.

Positive impact

The new community park is the final piece in a £100m regeneration scheme of 500 new homes, new community facilities and school improvements in the West Gorton area.  It has three different areas; a woodland area with tree-lined paths and play equipment; a biodiverse meadow with picnic area and community area for outdoor events.  Residents and visitors are encouraged to interact with the nature around them and feel a strong sense of community.

This park is also the first UK demonstrator project for the “GrowGreen” initiative, which is funded by the European Union’s 2020 Horizon programme. The University of Manchester will monitor the storm water flows over the next five years to examine how effective the park is in reducing flooding.

Key contacts

James Millington

Landscape Architecture Director, BDP


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