Themes /

Nottingham masterplan

The Broad Marsh redevelopment project represents a pivotal moment in the City of Nottingham’s urban landscape.

Case Studies

Broad Marsh Masterplan, UK

The 1960s shopping centre is undergoing a regenerative transformation. Over the past three years, the site has been reshaped with the strategic demolition of certain sections and the fortification of the concrete framework. 

BDP has been appointed to prepare a master plan for the redevelopment and tasked with finding innovative and sustainable solutions which utilise the existing concrete frame of the centre where possible. At the core of the design is the creation of a vibrant ‘Green Heart’ that breathes new life into both the structure itself and the city of Nottingham as a whole.

The vision encompasses the construction of up to 1,000 new homes, the development of 500,000 square feet of commercial and office space, and the promise of generating over 6,000 new employment opportunities. The project embraces the rejuvenation of Nottingham’s remarkable cave network, preserving the city’s unique heritage.

This masterplan seamlessly aligns with ongoing developments in the Southside area, including the new car park, bus station, Central Library, and Nottingham College city hub. The holistic vision extends to environmental sustainability, in line with Nottingham’s ambitious goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2028.

Broad Marsh sits at the heart of a £4bn regeneration programme. Current works are underway to create the new wildlife-rich ‘Green Heart’ which also will also act as a pedestrian route from the train station to the city centre.

Key contacts

David Rudlin

Urban Design Director, BDP


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