Themes /

Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor

The Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) is one of the five upcoming mega-industrial corridors in India.

Case Studies

National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (GODL-India), GODL-India

Both Bengaluru and Chennai in South India have been developing rapidly and accept increasing number of private companies.  On the other hand, the private sector claims that bad access to ports, bad road condition, frequent blackouts, shortage of water supply and electricity etc, are bottlenecks of their investments in India.  Based on the request from Government of India to formulate “Infrastructure Development Program for Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor” (the Program), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) agreed to develop “Comprehensive Regional Perspective Plan for Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor Region,” (the Perspective Plan).  I was involved as key expert to formulate integrated infrastructure plan in the CBIC.

Innovative Approach

The Perspective Plan is integrated plan for multi infrastructures covering 91,000 km2.  The Plan covered various infrastructures including road, railway, seaports, airports, water and sewage, drainage, power.  Therefore, Individual technical experts formulated the sector plans based on the current situation analysis and demand & supply analysis in each sector as shown in figures below.  Then the infrastructure plan was comprehensively analysed and integrated based on the socio-economic framework up to 2033 and from reginal development viewpoint.


Water demand and supply analysis, CBIC Final Report, JICA, October 2015

Road demand and supply analysis, CBIC Final Report, JICA, October 2015


Positive Impact

The Perspective Plan is expected to provide the significant value to India. This plan can provide the blue print of the future investment to various infrastructures for the CBIC region, and shows the direction on where the private companies should expand the business.  As the result, the CBIC will  transform the region into a globally competitive investment destination.

Comprehensive Integrated Master Plan for Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor Final Report, JICA, October 2015, Prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers Co., Ltd. and Nippon Koei Co., Ltd.

Key contacts

Tetsunari Gejo

Development Planning, Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd.


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