Themes /

Urban design

At BDP and NK, our urban designers are expert in crafting places that follow the principles of The Good City.


McMaster University Campus Plan, Hamilton, Canada

This is not just about physical design but requires an understanding of the social, economic, and environmental aspects that make great places.

We work collaboratively with clients, stakeholders and other professions to address these complexities and have a particular expertise at working with local communities through workshops, charrettes and online engagement.     

The tools our urban designers use are master plans, spatial frameworks, coding and design guides working at scales ranging from individual sites to city regions and encompassing both the renewal of existing urban areas and the creation of new neighbourhoods and settlements.

How we can help

1. Spatial visions

City wide visioning  with municipal authorities to plan for investment and growth guided by a unifying vision for the city. This includes new transit lines, planning for active travel,  TOD development and urban extensions . This work goes hand in hand with our planners to create an imaginative spatial dimension to large scale spatial planning.  

2. Master plans

The design of three dimensional plans in a wide range of circumstances. These include vacant sites and redevelopment opportunities, new settlements and urban extensions. This work is done for a wide range of land owners, developers and public bodies looking to promote the development of land and negotiate the planning system.  

3. Regeneration strategies

Our urban designers also develop strategies and plans for existing urban areas including town centres, former industrial areas and increasingly malls and car-based retail areas. These strategies are based upon an understanding of  urban economics to develop viable uses that are able to regenerate the area as well as implementation for strategies for areas in multiple ownerships. 

4. Developer design codes

As part of our master planning work our urban designers develop codes and plot passports to guide the implementation of schemes. This are often a requirement of the planning consent but is also important in the process of master development and the negotiation of each development parcel. 

5. Design charrettes and workshops

Our urban designers work collaboratively with local communities in all of their work to respond to local views and build consensus. Techniques involve design charrettes and workshops and increasingly online engagement.    

Case studies

Nottingham Masterplan

Nottingham, UK

The Broad Marsh redevelopment project represents a pivotal moment in the City of Nottingham’s urban landscape.

National Model Design Code


The purpose of the UK National Model Design Code is to provide detailed guidance on the production of design codes, guides and policies to promote successful design.

Key contacts

Manisha Bhartia

Urbanism Director, New Delhi Studio Head, BDP

Eiji Okada

Urban Design, Nippon Koei Urban Space Co., Ltd.


Our network of studios enable us to help clients transform places and communities worldwide.